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Welcome at BCS Harderwijk BV, Colstore and Logistics.
We are your reliable partner for chilled- and frozen storage.
| Official opening of BCS Kenya coldstore Ltd. in NairobiSaturday, October 21, 2023, the fourth generation of the family Dekker starts the opening the new cold store of Beemsterboer Coldstore Services Kenya (BCSK) in Nairobi.BCS Kenya has a capacity of 4,000 pallet spaces. After one and a half year of running, all hidden problems have been resolved and it is now full speed ahead! The main activity of the cold store is storage of imported fruit from all over the world. The cold store forms a hub for storage of local avocados which are exported in containers to the Netherlands and other European countries. In addition to these activities stored, BCSK stores ice cream and meat for the local market. By operating this cold store, BCS Kenya supports a reduce of the local food waste of fresh vegetables and meat of 30%.